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International seminar "(Re)Shaping the Teaching Profession of the 21st Century: Priorities, Challenges and Future Directions"


Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Department of General Pedagogy and Research Methods in Education invite to 1st INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR "(Re)Shaping the Teaching Profession of the 21st Century: Priorities, Challenges and Future Directions" -  26 October 2017, 10:00-15:15. 

Presentation of the Seminar

The modern and unprecedentedly dynamic world shapes the new reality of providing educational services; hence, contemporary teachers in Europe and all over the world are continually faced with the need to develop and improve their professionalism. Currently, teachers are expected, not only to have great expertise and implement effective pedagogical skills characterised by critical thinking, research and innovation, but also to monitor the effectiveness of their own teaching practices, evince a strong research-oriented approach, and design their own professional development. Clearly, teaching has become an increasingly complex profession, and teachers are required to be responsive to a lot of special needs. This, implies a new challenge for teacher education programmes - providing high quality education reflecting a set of principles that allow future teachers to be effective in diverse classroom settings.

In the context of new challenging times for teachers, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Bialystok takes the initiative to organize cyclical international seminars aimed at discussing, sharing and promoting new ideas and developments in different areas of teaching and teacher education. We invite researchers from Europe and all over the word to share their experiences and research results. The seminars are addressed at experienced researchers, young scholars, student teachers, active teachers and policy makers. We strongly believe that we can contribute to national and international debates on the quality of teachers, teaching and teacher education through the exchange and collective learning opportunities such as this one.

The first opening seminar will provide a voice of researchers from England and Poland on building communities and sharing knowledge as the potential for (student) teachers to work together across national boundaries.



10:00 –10:10 Welcoming regards

Wioleta Danilewicz, Vice-dean of Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, University of Bialystok

10:10-10:20 Introduction to the seminar

Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak, Department of General Pedagogy and Research Methods in Education, University of Bialystok

10:20 – 11:10 James Underwood, University of Cambridge, University of Northampton, Building Communities and Sharing Knowledge - the Potential for Teachers to Work Together across National Boundaries

11:10 – 11:30 Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak, University of Bialystok, Master’s Thesis in Teacher Education: a (Lost) Opportunity for Professional Growth? Student Teachers’ Perceptions

11:30 – 11:50 Emilia Żyłkiewicz-Płońska, University of Bialystok, How do I want to learn and be taught? Perspective of the Students Participating in European Dimension in Education 

11:50 – 12:30 Discussion (Moderators: Alicja Korzeniecka-Bondar, Krzysztof Czykier, University of Bialystok)

12:30 – 13:45 – Break

13:45 – 15:15 James Underwood, University of Cambridge, University of Northampton, Workshop for young researchers: Positioning Ourselves as Researchers, Who is our Research for and How Can we Reach them? (room C2.3)

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, University of Bialystok, Swierkowa 20 street,  building C, room 02. 


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