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Zaproszenie na wykład prof. Chrisa Browna

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Zakład Pedagogiki Ogólnej i Metodologii Badań Pedagogicznych w Katedrze Studiów Społecznych i Edukacyjnych Wydziału Nauk o Edukacji Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku oraz Sekcja Pedagogiki Ogólnej Komitetu Nauk Pedagogicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk serdecznie zapraszają na wykład otwarty prof. Chrisa Browna (University of Warwick, Wielka Brytania) na temat: "Close to practice research: making it happen and making a difference".

Wykład odbędzie się w dn. 20 kwietnia 2023 r., o godz. 11:00, w Auli im. Janusza Korczaka (sala C01) Wydziału Nauk o Edukacji Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku (ul. Świerkowa 20). 

W spotkaniu będzie można wziąć też udział online (bez możliwości zadawania pytań).

Zgłoszenia udziału w spotkaniu zawierające imię i nazwisko oraz adres mailowy prosimy przesyłać na adres: noe.international@uwb.edu.pl do dn. 10 kwietnia 2023 r.

About the author: Professor Chris Brown is Professor in Education and Director of Research at the University of Warwick’s Department of Education Studies.

Chris is seeking to drive forward the notion of Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) as a means to promote the collaborative learning of teachers. The aim of this collaborative learning is to improve both teaching practice and student outcomes, not only in individual schools, but also in the school system more widely. Alongside his research into PLNs Chris also has a long-standing interest in how research evidence can and should, but often doesn’t, aid the development of education policy and practice. Across these two areas Chris has led or co-led research-related projects and programmes worth £6.8m and authored, or co-authored 84 journal articles and papers, 36 reports/resources and 26 book chapters, as well as authored, co-authored or edited 19 monographs and books.

In 2018 Chris was also awarded a Siftung Mercator Foundation Senior Fellowship. Each year Siftung Mercator identifies and invites just six people world-wide to apply each year for one of its fellowships. Potential Fellows are identified by a panel as ‘exceptionally talented and outstanding researchers and practitioners’ from areas seen as relevant to the themes and fields of activity of Stiftung Mercator. The purpose of the Mercator Fellowship programme is to offer selected fellows the space and freedom to also devote themselves to exploratory and unconventional research and practical projects (typically for six months). Previous fellows include advisors to former US President Obama and current French President Macron.

Other prizes include the 2015 American Educational Research Association ‘Emerging Scholar’ award; the 2016 AERA Excellence in Research to practice award and the 2016 UCEA Jeffrey V. Bennett Outstanding International Research award.

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