W wystąpieniu przedstawione zostaną najnowsze narzędzia i trendy w nauczaniu akademickim oraz ich wpływ na obecną i przyszłą edukację. Prelegent omówi przykłady najnowszych modeli edukacji uniwersyteckiej na świecie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Uniwersytetu Minerva z San Francisco (USA), który w 2022 w rankingu WURI (World's Universities with Real Impact) został uznany za najbardziej innowacyjną uczelnię na świecie.
Wykład w języku angielskim.
Özgür Özlük received his doctorate in 1999 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, following a Bachelor of Science degree from Bilkent University in Industrial Engineering. After his PhD, he worked on pricing optimization models in Silicon Valley, and between 2003-2014 he taught various courses on Data Analytics at San Francisco State University. During the same period, he served as visiting professor at different universities and as an operations management/data analytics consultant to companies in various sectors. Prof. Özlük founded the Big Data Analytics Masters Program at MEF University in Fall 2016. Currently he works as a faculty member at Minerva Schools in the USA and an academic program manager at Minerva Project managing executive education efforts. Additionally, Prof. Özlük organizes training programs on Data Analytics for companies in Turkey.
Prof. Özgür Özlük, Minerva University (USA)
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