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Studies in Logic. Grammar and Rhetoric

Studies in Logic. Grammar and Rhetoric

The unique profile of Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric (SLGR) lies in exploiting three classical fields of medieval trivium in the studies of communication. The journal was founded in 1980 by Witold Marciszewski – the logician and philosopher whose research is deeply rooted in the tradition of the Lvov-Warsaw School. Marciszewski is renowned as a pioneer of argumentation studies in Poland (see e.g. Logic from the Rhetorical Point of View, de Gruyter 1994, and The Art of Discussing Aleph 1994, in Polish). His broad research activities include a number of books (see e.g. Categorial Grammar, co-edited with W. Buszkowski and J. van Benthem, John Benjamins 1988; Mechanization of Reasoning in a Historical Perspective, co-authored with R. Murawski, Rodopi 1995), as well as several hundred papers. Since 1980, SLGR has published 42 volumes including the contributions from, e.g., J. Alama (Stanford University), J. Avigad (Carnegie Mellon University), H. Friedman (Ohio State University), and T.C. Hales (University of Pittsburgh). The journal publishes collections of essays in honour of outstanding researchers such as the festschrift in honour of A. Trybulec — the founder of the MIZAR system of computer-assisted proof-checking (2007); and A. Grzegorczyk — one of the most creative Polish logicians of the second half of the twentieth century (2012). In 2009, the journal established the argumentation series focused on topical themes in the philosophy of argument discussed from the viewpoint of philosophy of language, linguistics, epistemology, cognitive science, philosophy of mind and other relevant disciplines. The two special issues already published were devoted to an overview of contemporary argument studies (2009) and the computational approaches to argumentation (2011). The issues accepted contributions from 34 researchers from 10 countries including the US, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Belarus, and Poland.

Redaktorzy naczelni: Halina Święczkowska, Kazimierz Trzęsicki

Rada naukowa: Adam Drozdek, Wright State University, Leo Groarke, University of Windsor (Canada), Dale Jacquette, University of Bern (Switzerland) Jerzy Kopania, Stanisław Staszic College of Public Administration in Białystok, Krystyna Kuperberg, University of Auburn (USA), Grzegorz Malinowski, University of Łódź, Witold Marciszewski (Chairman), University of Białystok, prof. em., Roman Murawski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Mieczysław Omyła, Warsaw University, Katarzyna Paprzycka, Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Jerzy Pogonowski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Jan Woleński, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Ryszard Wójcicki, Polish Academy of Sciences
e-mail: logika@uwb.edu.pl
www: http://logika.uwb.edu.pl/studies/
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